Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Take Action. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Wolves

Share this beautiful video with all your friends. The Wolf - the beautiful, majestic and wise creature needs our help to survive.

Please help to prevent wolves from extiction. Take actions - join causes, environmental organisations, wolf support groups, donate, adopt wolves, sign petitions, send letters to your local authorities and governments.

The wolves are critically endangered globally. They need all our help!

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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Swedish minister wants to import new wolves - After he killed many

Now the information about plans of importing new wolves to Sweden starts to spread through the media.

Despite the minister´s of environment spreading of lies abroad the country, the Swedish wolves do not suffer as much genetically, as he stresses out. All wolves from the January cull have been examined in the University of Uppsala and found to be perfectly healthy, without genetic anomalities, and to be good specimen.
Genetically healthy wolves were killed.
The 2010 cull was no more than a slaughter initiated by a huge hunting lobby, paid by big money. There are many articles, press releases and proofs for that.

Genetically important wolves were killed not only during the culling slaughter, but also in so called "protective" hunt, when they were apparently spotted close to reindeer herds, etc., and also fallen victim to the so called "poaching" hunt, performed commonly in Sweden and Norway by hunters-wolf haters, who poison them, run them over by snowmachines, shoot them, drown them, etc. and make them "dissapear", especially if they were radio collared. (Please come back soon to read an article about the illegal wolf killing in Sweden and Norway, which is now in process).

There were some wolves with fresh (outcross) genes, from Russian and Finnish ancestry, but they were killed as well. There was no targeting of "only weak or sick individuals" to be killed. Alpha wolves were killed, including parents, orphaning a litter of puppies. A cull hunt of 27 wolves is not performed by 12000 horny rednecks, who don´t even know how to shoot a wolf, which was proven on dozens of photos from the hunt - many wolves were shot several times, before finally killed. Many wolves were injured and escaped, and had to be searched after for several days, left dieing in pain and agony. That is not a professional culling hunt.

New wolves, that will be imported, will end up the same way. And those not killed by aproval from authorities will be poisoned or killed otherwise illegally by hunters - wolf haters.

The reason why so many wolves from Russia and Finland never made it to the Swedish strain, and thus why the Swedish wolf population never got a chance to grow "fresher" genetically, is because they never made their journeys through Lapland and Jamtland (the only transition areas to travel through from Finland or Russia to Sweden and Norway) - being illegally killed by the reindeer herders or trophy illegal hunters.

This is a closed circle and will not get solved unless the Swedish government finally starts facing truth and sovling the large issues of intollerance and unacceptance of wolves, among minority, special interest groups of people.

Effective programs need to be applied to keep wolves out of harm´s way, if we want to see a healthy wolf strain striving and growing in Sweden, Norway, but also Finland.

After he had ordered over 30 wolves to be killed in 2010 (27 in the "cull" hunt, and 12 more in so called "protective" hunt), the Swedish minister of environment plans to have as many as 60 more wolves killed by a cull hunt in 2011, including whole litters born during this comming spring.
This is totally senceless and absolutly unaceptable! We cannot allow that to happen and to let this unethical man continue with this bloody work!
Please consider following this blog, for more updates on the wolf situation worldwide, but with a major foccus on Sweden and Scandinavia, if you wanna learn more about what is really going on in Sweden.

Also, please read how you can help on the menu on the right side of the blog, where you will find links to many petitions and ideas how to take action.

Please write to the Swedish minister of environment and let him know what you think, and that you care about the wolves, the nature and the environment, and show your dissapointment and dissagreement with the recent, very bad deicsion:

Andreas Carlgren, Minister for the Environment
Tel. work: +46 8405 10 00
Email - via the senior registry clerk
Post address: Tegelbacken 2
103 33 Stockholm

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Center (for Biological Diversity) Goes to Court for Mexican Gray Wolf

Quoting the article from the Center for Biological Diversity news letter:
"Last week the Center for Biological Diversity sued the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for its failure to act on our petition to grant the Mexican gray wolf its own place on the endangered species list. The Mexican wolf is distinct from other gray wolves and should be recognized as such with its own Endangered Species Act protections as an endangered subspecies or "distinct population segment." But the Mexican wolf is currently lumped together under the Act with gray wolves elsewhere in the country. And the Service has missed its November deadline to respond to the Center's petition from last summer to fix that.

Earning its own place on the endangered species list would require the development of a new Mexican wolf recovery plan -- which is crucial, since the current one is almost three decades old and contains no numeric population, distribution, or genetic diversity targets. It would also give better guidance for managing the sole existing wolf population -- which hovered at just 52 animals and two breeding pairs at the end of 2008."

KSWT News, January 27, 2010

Please read more here:
Feds sued again over Mexican gray wolf petitionBy The Associated Press

Find out more about the Mexican Gray Wolf from the Center for Biological Diversity:
(many interesting links to facts, petitions, statistics, and more regarding the Mexican Gray Wolf)

Also please read this article:

Learn about the Mexican Gray Wolf: (excellent educational source)

How You can Help - Take Action:
The Mexican Gray Wolves need a strong fight, based on law, paperwork and other acts. All this requires a fair amount of finances. One of the very cool ways to help is to

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Demonstration for the wolves and against wolf hunting in Göteborg

Third demonstration in the rally that started in Sweden, is on it´s way, this time in the city of Göteborg (Gothenburg).

This shows the huge, massive wave of people supporting wolves, wanting wolves in our nature, and being very angry and unaproving of the government´s decision, justified by cover-ups (read more in the past entries and please come back for more news on that).
POSTPONDED!!! - we will bring current information as soon as possible! Thanks for understanding.
Date: ???
Time: ???
Location: Gustav Adolfs Torg in Göteborg

Here is the organisers´message and invitation:

"Now it is Gothenburg's turn to start banging the table and show the government, various organizations, hunters and others who oppose the wolf, that many of us are standing up for the wolf, and our nature! Saturday, 6 / 2 at 12.00 there will be a manifestation of the wolf against wolf hunting at Gustav Adolf Square in Gothenburg. Come and join! Bring everyone you know! Together we can work wonders!"

More information:

The demonstration in Göteborg will be following the one in Örebro, which takes place on February 4th (more information here) and the pilot one, which took place in Stockholm, on January 17th, 2010 (please read this entry).

Please help prevent more senseless slaughtering of wolves - come and join the demonstrations!

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Three weeks have passed since what became known in Sweden as "Vargdagen" - "Wolfday". The day was January 2, 2010 and it released 12000 bloodthirsty wolf hating and trophy wanting hunters into the Swedish wilderness, where they slaughtered over 27 wolves and left many more injured, many puppies starving without their parents and many packs decimated, without their leaders.

We will never forget!

... human hatred against the breed of wolves is a product of fear of its pride, wisdom, perseverance and indomitability

More than 50 wolves are to be killed in Sweden next year, and dozens in Norway soon too.

Their fate can be changed. It is in our hands. Please help - tell the government that this is unacceptable.

Send letters to the ministry of Environment, ministry of agriculture and to the prime minister. Sign petitions listed in the menu on the right. Join organisations such as Bevara och Skydda Vargegn. Spread the word.

Thank you.

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Story of Limpy (and his many brothers and sisters worldwide)

Please, read the story from the link below. It will help you to understand the global struggle of wolves - being the target of human absurde hate and trophy hunting interests.

Limpy was a wolf, that never killed any lifestock or hunting dogs, or had a conflict with human interests. He was simply killed (together with many more wolves) because he could be killed, the very first day the hunting ban was lifted in the state of Wyoming. Just like here in Sweden, where 25 wolves (out of a quota of 27 to be culled during 2010) were slaughtered during the very first day of the first legal hunting in 45 years -- not because they did something wrong, but just because the hate and trophy vision driven 12000 licenced hunters simply could.

The story of life and death of Wolf 253, affecionately called "Limpy":

How many more thousands of wolves will have to be killed around the world, how many more sad and tragic stories will be written, how many more thousands of pictures of killed or dieing wolves, and videos of the killings, will we watch and read, before we finally do something?!

The planet is not exclusively ours to use and planish as we please. And I believe there are millions of people all around the world who dissagree with what our decisionmakers do. But we need to unite, we need to stand up and speak - and say it out loud.

Please, take actions, read more facts about wolves (and other endangered species as well), ask questions, sign petitions, join various organisations and groups (many links are on the menu on the right side of the blog, and in previous posts), share information and discuss with others. All this counts. Just don´t remain silent and passive.

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Aerial Wolf Killing in Alaska

Alaskan wolves receive no Endangered Species Act protections, and the species has long been vilified. In the 1940s and 1950s, widespread wolf killings occurred via poisonings, bounties, and aerial shooting by federal agents. After Alaska became a state in 1959, poisoning was prohibited by legislative action and bounties were soon stopped.

Aerial shooting of wolves became common in the 1960s. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game ceased issuing aerial permits in 1972 after passage of the federal Airborne Hunting Act. The Act prohibits the shooting of wolves directly from airplanes but left legalize the practice known as "land and shoot" -- where a hunter can land a plane and shoot the animal from the ground.

Land and shoot wolf hunting remains a controversial practice and it is even opposed by many hunters. It considered unsportsmanlike, unethical, and impossible to regulate. It also leads to many other violations of hunting regulations such as chasing, herding, and harassing wolves.

Alaskan wolf shot by aerial gunner

In 1996 and again in 2000, Alaskan voters banned the practice but both times the Alaskan legislature overturned these citizen-passed laws. In 2003, the Board of Game approved several aerial wolf control programs and since then has adopted several more. Approximately 800 wolves have been killed by teams of private hunters and gunners from fixed-wing airplanes.

They rarely die fast, and are often left to suffer in agony.

So far, more than 1,000 wolves have been chased down by gunmen in low-flying aircraft and killed with high-powered rifles. This year alone, more than 250 wolves have been killed -- making the 2008/2009 aerial wolf killing season one of the deadliest in years.

The aerial killing of wolves in Alaska

Please, take action:

-- Urge Your Representative and Senators to Co-Sponsor the PAW Act:

-- Support National Wolf Recovery Plan:

To learn more and what you can do to help, please click here.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


!UPDATE! January 21, 2010 at 1:41 am. Great job so far everyone! We will bring info from the debate tomorrow. Important info: The votes are still on, so if you missed it, you can still send in your NO now. Thank you!
Here is everybody´s occasion to take action now! Please help Swedish wolves with two clicks!

Plese vote in the poll on Swedish TV4!!!

It is extremly important!!!

There will be a discussion tonight at 22:40 local time with Swedish minister of environment about the recently legalized wolf hunt.

The reporter will announce what public generally thinks, and thus it is extremly important to let them know that we are clearly against the wolf hunting!!!

Please go to:

and scroll down to the line, which says
Rätt eller fel med vargjakt?
Under sentence which says: Är det rätt med licensjakt på varg? (Is it right to hunt wolves?), please choose NEJ (NO)
Please forward this to as many people as you know and PLEASE send in your votes!!!!

This must be done before the debate starts! So vote right away, pleae! It´s live at 22:40 pm local time

If you are interested in more information on what is going on in Sweden, please scroll down and read a few of the posts.

Thank you very much!

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Wolf Day and Demonstration in Örebro

Another demonstration to protest against hunting of Swedish wolves is already being organised.

This time it will take place in Örebro.

Date: Thursday, February 4, 2010

Time: 5:00pm- 8:00pm

Location: Stortorget (the main square)

Invitation from the organisers:

We want this demonstration to show that we can not tolerate the wolf slaughter in Sweden.

Örebro is located between different wolf territories ... and therefore we want you to go out and show your support for the Swedish wolf living!

During the demonstration, various speakers and organizations will apear. More information on the program and details will come later.

Organizers: Rickard Karlsson and Maria Eriksson, members of SRF (Swedish Association for Predators)

Please read about this event at:

Please, spread the word as widely as you can.

Please attend this protest if you have a chance. It is one of the ways how you can help to stop the nonsence, brutal, unjustified killing and bad governmental decision!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Demonstration against wolf hunting - Stockholm, Sweden, January 17,2010

Unlike the press and media, who were invited to write about the event, and who not only chose to not write about it, but also manipulated a lot of information to fit their needs for supporting the government and hunting lobby, we bring the reflections of the demonstration that took place this past Sunday in Stockholm.

It was the first event of this kind, since the brutal slaughter of 27+ Swedish wolves took place between January 2-4th this year.

There were just days to prepare for it, organise it and announce it. Without financial and media backup. Despite that, it turned out to be a professional, well organised, well attended event, only thanks to a group of dedicated and commited people with passion and love for the wolves.

Several hundred people gathered in the old center of Sweden´s capital city, between the parliament building and the castle. I would like to objectively say how many people were there, but it is impossible, as many came after the official start.

What struck me the most of all, was the blend of ages, races, positions, education, etc.. From young people, to families with children, middle aged and pensioners. Politicians, artists, animal lovers, students of dog gymnasium, conservationalists, wildlife photographers, teachers, professors, and many more. What brought them together was one mutual cause - the love, passion and understanding for the wolf kind. The ethical feeling and knowing that what has happened in Sweden and what is going on, is TERRIBLY WRONG.

The speeches of representatives of many organisations and political parties, including the Swedish Predator Association (Svenska Rovdjurforeningen) and Grönt Partiet (Green Party), were absolutely clear:

The decision and act of Swedish government is TOTALY UNACCEPTABLE.
We cannot and will not let the delisting of wolves in Sweden from the endangered species continue.
We cannot and will not let the government kill another wolves, supported by only their ridiculous argument of inbreeding and population control (only a bit over 200 wolves lives in Sweden recently), and lobby from hunting association.

And then there were acts and sharing of experiences from ordinary people, who made one realise the horrible truth.

An older man showed his resignation to his long time employer, the Swedish ministry of agriculture. He rather risked his existence, than working for, and thus supporting the decision makers who ordered so many wolves to die for no reason.

There was a lady from Switzerland, who came to Sweden to study wolves and learn how to track them and anlyze their DNA. She told me a story of a wolf her student group "met" during field work last year, and whom got a name after one of the students. He traveled several hundred kilometers to a new teritory, where he found a partner (so much for closely inbred wolves) and was going to start a new pack. He was killed during the brutal slaughter in Värmland two weeks ago. The lady wasn´t able to finish without breaking into tears.

These, dear readers, are the real stories, that won´t be published in the mass media, such as SVT (Swedish natioal TV) or DN (Daily News). Instead, the half minute shot in TV informed about "group of about 50 animal lovers".

But that won´t change a thing on the fact, that the first of many protests took place, and united many more people with common sense.

It won´t change a fact that the politicians keep forgetting, that without voters, they won´t have their chairs in the next government.
And that there are many voters who are very angry about their government´s bad choices and unethical acts.

This sunday afternoon, when the castle walls lit up by torches and candles and the air filled with people singing and dancing, I felt the spirit of togetherness. The spirit that can help us win this war for our wild brothers, the wolves.

Let´s not give up! The journey continues.

“First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.” -- Mahatma Gandhi

Picture is worth a thousand words:

Part of the crowd which media and hunting association called the "small group of about 50 wolf lovers".
Touching tributte to the 27+ wolves massacred during the recent wolf hunt, and the 12 wolf pack, wiped out at the Skane ZOO, one week later.

Students from Dog Gymnasium in Örekljunga (several hundred kilometers south of Stockholm) came to say: "With Dogs for Wolves"
Bobby Ho - founder of Bevara och Skydda Vargen (Save and Protect Wolves) group.
The man who bravely gave up his job, because he lives by his ethical standards. Not a very common act these days.
Famous Swedish rapper Dogge Dogelito - making the crowd dance, with his original texts about wolves and politics, and a catchy reage and rap rythms

Candles lit for the fallen wolves. We can´t let this hate killing continue...
Please surf through the blog for more information and subsrcibe to the news feed, to find out how you can help.
Share the information with as many people as you can. Invite your friends to read our blog and to find out what is going on in Sweden.
Permission to copy and repost this article (with a link to the Wolf Howl blog) granted.

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Finnish wolves are delisted, despite their criticaly low population

Please spare a thought for wolves in Finland. In Lapland, there are currently only around 35 or possibly even fewer wolves remaining in the wild, and within Finland there are only around 200. Hunters are shooting wolves in order to prevent them from attacking reindeer, who are herded and slaughtered for their meat and skins. While Finland promotes itself as a destination for lovers of the great outdoors, wolves are ruthlessly hunted on its snows. Tell the Finnish government to end the killing.

The Finnish government has authorised the killing of wolves in Lapland. With Finland's tiny wolf population already threatened by illegal hunting, the country must protect these charismatic animals. Hunting exposes these animals to injury and causes them a lingering, painful death. It is as inhumane as it is unnecessary. Finland should celebrate the presence of these remarkable and beautiful predators and encourage responsible ecotourism in the areas where they live. In doing so, the country would benefit both the wolves and the human population.

How you can help to End the Wolf Slaughter in Lapland:

Contact and consider joining the Nature League's Wolf Action Group:
Luonto-Liitto / Susiryhmä (Nature League´s Wolf Action Group)
Annankatu 26
A00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
tel. +358-9-684-4420

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Cool T-Shirts to help wolves in Sweden

Unlike the hunting lobby, the nature and wolf lovers don´t have a huge and rich association behind them to finance their activism.

Please help to fight against the wolf hunt in Sweden, which had already resulted in over 27 official wolf deaths, many life threatening injuries, wolf pupps left alone in fierce cold and hunger, when their parents were killed. Swedish government is planning a slaughter of minimum 50 more wolves next year, even though there are only a bit over 200 wolves in the entire country and their species are close to extinction.

Advertising, raising awareness, organising events for public to hear what is going on, all costs money, which needs to be donated and fundraised.

Please help the Bevara och Skydda Vargen (Save and Protec the Wolf) and Nordiska Rovjursnetverket (Nordic Network for Predators) groups in their outstanding efforts.

One of the ways is buying these cool, original and limited series T-shirts!:

"Bevara och Skydda Vargen - Save and Protect Wolves"

"Rör inte min varg! - Don´t touch my wolf!"
They are white with black print. Available in womens and mens models, and in all sizes. Good quality but LIMITED time only!

Mens 120:-SEK (12:-Euro), Womens 140:-SEK (14:-Euro).

Please, email your orders to:


If you want to make a donation, here is the bank information:

Nordiska Rovdjursnätverket
Bank: Swedbank
Clearing nr: 8156-2
Kontonummer: 914 615 231-0
IBAN: SE6980000815629146152310

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Sweden plans to kill even more wolves in 2011

Two weeks have past since the governmental decision unleashed the brutal killing of 27+ wolves, by lifting a ban that stood for 45 years, in Sweden.

However, this is not just a tragedy for the endangered wolf species in Sweden, where only between 200 and 300 wolves struggle to survive in coexistance with prejudice and hate driven locals and hunters.

This is just the beginning.

The Swedish government decided to raise the quota to 50-60 wolves to be killed next year, including entire families (alfa wolves with their offspring, born between 2010 and 2011, to keep the population down at 200-210.

Since the first three January days, when the unethical and unprofessional, worldwide criticized hunt, which turned out into a brutal slaughter, shocking thousands of people, the media have been filled with press releases, statistics, interviews, discussions and more.

And as the time went by, the true story started to unfold...

Hidden by a prepared cover up from the hunting lobbyists, minister of environment Andreas Carlgren informed, that the hunt was a necessairy measure to cull individuals weakened by genetic disorders and malfunctions, caused by excessive inbreeding in the small wolf population.

Although scientists could not understand this absurde nonsense justification, this was Carlgren´s first attempt to manipulate and mislead the public. Wolf experts made a clear point then, that in order to solve the problem of inbreeding in the Swedish wolf population, more wolves with a new DNA pattern (fresh blood) would have to be introduced to the existing strain and the entire population rised up to between 500-2000 individuals, to maintain a healthy population and diversity.

When the official results of authopsies, performed on all the wolves, turned in for examination, came out, the scientistcs were not at all surprised (some even expected it) to hear all of the wolves were perfectly healthy, good and beautiful specimen.

After days of scilence, when Carlgren decided not to comment on the scientists´ criticism, new information came out through the press.

Many of the wolf experts suddenly changed their minds, and started to support the decision for extending the licenced culling.

Although charts, graphs and statistics clearly show how the wolf population in Sweden struggles, although illegal kiling by locals results in deaths of dozens of wolves in various regions of the country, the latest information, that ran through the media is that the population is successfuly rising annualy, and that illegal hunting is decreasing.

Some of the scientists started to support the administration, suggesting that culling next year by 50-60 wolves, will help maintain an optimal population size.

Just read all the articles published here in the past two weeks. Read and compare the information from the media, that we directly link to. Then you will know this is the plain, absurde, truth.

All this, and many other aditional information, add up to the total picture and help reveal the true motives of the legalized hunting.

Politics it is. Again, as countless times in history, the politics is dirty and it kills.

As long as the government will not start searching for solutions of illegal hunting, for the conflicts between people, their animals and the wolves, that result in intollerance and hate, wolves will keep struggling for their survival.

By freezing the wolf population (as the former government did), or by culling it down to near extinction (as the present one does), the illegal hunting, hate, misinformation and unacceptance will never stop.

And this is the truth in the nutshell. I have so many stories and evidence from the local hunters, who illegally kill wolves, and I hear experiences from the people who live their daily lives in the areas where the wolf wars are in it´s hottest core.

And I will focus more on informing on what is going on "behind the scences", and on bringing you closer to the reality of the rural and wilderness areas, where many people still believe in stories of the Little Red Hood, where people actually seriously believe there´s too many wolves out there, and who take nature for granted, as it´s always been here, ever since they knew. In the remote areas many people still take law into their hands, and believe that the best justice "is in the barrel", sort to speak. And they think the nature and the wildlife is theirs to do whatever they please with. The government let´s them get away with it.

Please follow the blog to obtain the latest updates on the situation in Sweden.

The more people read what is going on here, the more people will open their eyes, and more will join in helping the cause to save and protect the wolves in Sweden.

Together we can change the fate of the wolf kind, but we need to unite. We need every single voice to outweight the lobbyists, to send letters to the government and let them know what they are doing is absoultly unaceptable.

This year, there are elections in Sweden. A lot can be achieved then, with our votes.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In deed, it´s the only thing that ever has" -- Margaret Meade.

Please, spread the word. Take action (you will find suggestions of how you can help wolves, on the menu on the right side of the blog). Feel free to comment, and express your thoughts.

The jounrey continues. The wolves need our help. Let´s not let them down!


Read the article "More wolves to be killed" ("Fler Vargar ska skjutas") (in Swedish):

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Dance of Wolves

A tribute to all the wolves - the fallen, the present and the future.

Please help their beautiful species to survive. Take actions. Join us as we continue to fight for these wild children of nature. Read more and learn the truth about the wolf kind.

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Demonstration against wolf hunting in Sweden

Sunday, January 17, 2010 - Mynttorget, Stockholm
(old town - located between the castle and the parliament house)

14:00 - 17:00 pm

IN UNITY IS POWER - See You there!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”….Margaret Meade

Bevara och Skyda Vargen´s motto: "Don´t touch my wolf!"

Wolf Howl - blog for wolves will be covering the demonstration "live" and will bring reportage as well as photos. Sign up for our RSS feed and follow us.

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SMS to help stop the wolf hunting in Sweden

Please, help save wolves in Sweden!
!Help us with the fundraising for activities to stop the wolf hunting!

Even little donation means a lot! Please, share this information with your friends.


The interest group Bevara och Skydda Vargen (Save and Protect the Wolf), together with Nordic Predator Network (Nordiska Rovjurnetverket) are one of the largest and most proactive groups, that help save and protect the Swedish wolves.

Please, help them fundraise financial means to help the Swedish Wolves.

Send an SMS from your mobile phone with the word VARG and add either number 10, 25, 75 or 100 as en equivalent to the amount of Swedish crowns you would like to donate:

VARG 10 or VARG 25 or VARG 75 or VARG 100

!Important Note!: This is possible only from Swedish mobile phones

If you are outside the country, or prefer another way to send dontaion, you can use this account nr.:

Nordiska Rovdjursnätverket
Bank: Swedbank
Account nr. 914615231-0
Clearing nr.: 8156-2
IBAN: SE6980000815629146152310

ALL profits will support the group´s work for the wolves and their survival.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

SHOCKING: Official statistics by Swedish hunting association, of wolves slaughtered January 2-4, 2010

Official statistics of wolves killed during the slaughter between January 2-4th, 2010, in Sweden, are now out. These statistics are released by the Swedish hunting association.
Majority of the information in the chart proves and claryfies a lot of information that ran through the press in the past days, and that is published in our blog, since the hunt started.

Unfortunately, it meas a very tragic news have been officially confirmed. Such as:




PUPPIES KILLED - total of 13 (from 2009 litters)

FEMALE WOLF SHOT, TOOK HALF HOUR FOR HER TO DIE (!) - how is this possible??!!! Why wasn´t she shot to die quickly? The hunters purposely left her dieing slowly! And found the time to take pictures! Here is a photo to document it:




All this proves and confirms: Unprofessional organisation, no hunting ethics applied, purposely chosen leaders (alfa wolves) and other individuals to cause greater demage (for years to come!), hearltess killing driven by hate and joy for killing and torturing, and more.
Please see the chart below. Click to enlarge or click this link, to the original post at Swedish hunting association´s website.
A few translation notes to the chart:
Län = county
Datum fälld = date killed
Datum Paskjuten = date shot (injured), but not killed
Revir = teritory
Plats = location
Kön = gender
Alder = age
Vikt = weight
Antal djur i saten = animals totally in site on location
Foraldra djur = adults (including alfa)
Ingar i par = together in pair
Ensam djur = single animal
Ungdjur/Valp i revir = young wolves/puppies in teritory
Anm = notes, comments

The overshot wolves were not listed in the chart, for some reason (!), but are mentioned sporadically on the hunting association´s website.
The Swedish hunting association still considers this a successful hunt, that went smoothly without any problems!!!

Please, help to stop the nonsense, brutal killing of wovles in Sweden, and other parts of the world!

TAKE ACTION by signing petitions, donating, and joining conservation groups. See links and more info at the menu on the right side of the blog.


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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sad News with Consequences - Tragedy for Sweden´s Wolves

UPDATE from the group Bevara och Skydda Vargen (Save and Protect Wolves):


It is now confirmed that both the alpha male and alpha female from the Amunge territory have been killed. This means that their orphaned wolf pups are now left alone out in the territory. They will probably not survive on their own, in this extremely cold winter.

This makes a TOTAL of SEVEN ALPHA WOLVES KILLED - equivalent to 30% of the total number of wolves killed in the legalised "hunt".

A coincidence? No!

This was planned after the tracking and mapping of the wolf flocks, which made it possible for the hunters to inflict the most effective, serious damage. The alpha wolf was their number one priority; we have published evidence of this earlier on this site.

The consequences of orphaned wolf pups, left alone, hunting in the "wrong way", will then be that the hunters are obliged to take "protective hunting" measures against them.

Just a coincidence!? No! This is starting to look VERY suspicious!

No portions of text were removed or edited. Published with the permisson from the author.

Please, join the group (link is on sidebar), and sign petitions, listed on the sidebar. Also please consider joining the Swedish Wildlife Association.

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Urgent: Please sign this petition letter to Sweden´s minister of environment!

Please help Swedish wolves! Take Action NOW. Go to: and sign it.

Here is the petition letter for you to read and see some of the important facts and arguments:

Protest the Killing of Wolves in Sweden

Target: Andreas Carlgren (Sweden's Minister of the Environment)

Dear Sir

We the undersigned are writing you to express our deep opposition and disagreement with the decision by the Swedish government and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency to allow for the killing of 27 wolves in Sweden this winter.

As you know, the wolf is a severely endangered species in Sweden - at present there are only between 180-220 wolves, which means that possibly as much one sixth of the entire population might be have been killed in this hunt. And we feel that not only is it morally highly questionlable to allow for hunting of an endagered species - there is also in fact a real risk that the small Swedish wolf population, which is already threatened by severe inbreeding and significant poaching, will not be able to endure this sanctioned hunt, and we fear that this hunt in the worst case might have meant the beginning of the end of the Swedish wolf population, something which we would very deeply deplore.

We believe that Sweden should be able to afford a significantly larger wolf population than the current maximum of 210 individuals set up by the Swedish parliament. Sweden is a large and sparsely populated country compared to many many other European countries which houses considerably larger wolf populations, but where wolves and humans are in fact able to co-exist. We see no reason as to why Sweden would be different in this aspect. These beautiful, powerful animals are a natural, native part of the Swedish nature. The top predators are a crucial part of the ecosystem, and enrichens our biological diversity as well as our experience of the natural world. Sweden needs to recognize its large carnivores as the asset they in fact are, rather than seeing them as a problem.

Sweden is well-known internationally for its forests and for its beautiful nature and wilderness. A large, viable population of large carnivores would further promote and enhance that image and thus likely further increase the country's appeal for ecotourism, something which would be to the gain of rural communities that are at present suffering from depopulation. And, lastly, greater concern by the Swedish state for the wolves and the other large carnivores would improve Sweden's reputation internationally as a country that cares for its wildlife. This wolf hunt, which has been widely noted internationally, is no good advertisement for Swedish natural conservation or for Sweden as a state, something of which we are certain that the Swedish government is fully aware.

We wish to thank you for taking part of our opinions and for listening to our thoughts on this matter about which we care deeply.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

An open letter to Swedish prime minister

Dear Mr.Reinfeldt,

I would like to express my huge dissapointment at the Swedish government´s decision to legalize the killing of wolves.

Did you know that wolves are one of the world´s most endangered species?And that they do not cause any unbalance in the nature? Our human race causes a huge unbalance in nature and make lives of animals and plants more and more dificult over the centuries.

Your government says that wolves are "over quota" in Sweden, but it is my understanding based upon facts, that they are only in packs in some areas. If that is the reason, as your goverment states it, to kill them, it is absurde, inhumane and unwise.

The over quota animals can be moved to another location, for example further north, where we have barely any wolves and where they can roam free, without endangering humans and their dogs, as you state as a reason for their slaughter. They can be also moved to other countries, where they have no success in placing wolves back to the wild.

The same applies for another argument of your government, that there is a danger of inbreeding. If there was a real interest and concern on your side, you would make exchange program of animals to and from other coutnries, to make the packs healthier. You would invite and consult world´s specialists in wolves, conservation and environment, not just hunters.
But you very well know, that it is not your concern.

It is very dissapointing to see this happening in a country which calls itself the world leader in environmental and ecological matters.

If you want to set a good example for the world, I suggest to you to reconsider the facts, and your decisions about the wildlife management.

I know that my letter will most likely not even be read by you, but I want you to know that there are many people out there, who are unsatisfied by your decisions and these people are your voters, including myself.

And we will not support a government which makes such bad choices.

I urge you to reconsider your decision in the matter of legalized killing of wolves.

It is not my letter or my person that matters, but it is our plant that does.

Katerina Paleckova Strömsund, Sweden

Help to stop the senseless killing of wolves in Sweden, please! They need all our help!
Please, let´s not be mute and tell the government what we think and what we don´t want. It is in our hands. Let´s stop the killing of wolves in Sweden! They are one of the world´s endangered species!

Write the Swedish prime minister:

Fredrik Reinfeldt, StatsministerT
Telefon work 08-405 10 00
Email Fredrik Reinfeldt, via registrator

More contacts to the Sweidsh government:

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