Unlike the hunting lobby, the nature and wolf lovers don´t have a huge and rich association behind them to finance their activism.
Please help to fight against the wolf hunt in Sweden, which had already resulted in over 27 official wolf deaths, many life threatening injuries, wolf pupps left alone in fierce cold and hunger, when their parents were killed. Swedish government is planning a slaughter of minimum 50 more wolves next year, even though there are only a bit over 200 wolves in the entire country and their species are close to extinction.
Advertising, raising awareness, organising events for public to hear what is going on, all costs money, which needs to be donated and fundraised.
Please help the Bevara och Skydda Vargen (Save and Protec the Wolf) and Nordiska Rovjursnetverket (Nordic Network for Predators) groups in their outstanding efforts.
One of the ways is buying these cool, original and limited series T-shirts!:
They are white with black print. Available in womens and mens models, and in all sizes. Good quality but LIMITED time only!
Mens 120:-SEK (12:-Euro), Womens 140:-SEK (14:-Euro).
Please, email your orders to: wolf@ostmediagroup.com
If you want to make a donation, here is the bank information:
Nordiska Rovdjursnätverket
Bank: Swedbank
Clearing nr: 8156-2
Kontonummer: 914 615 231-0
IBAN: SE6980000815629146152310
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