Please spare a thought for wolves in Finland. In Lapland, there are currently only around 35 or possibly even fewer wolves remaining in the wild, and within Finland there are only around 200. Hunters are shooting wolves in order to prevent them from attacking reindeer, who are herded and slaughtered for their meat and skins. While Finland promotes itself as a destination for lovers of the great outdoors, wolves are ruthlessly hunted on its snows. Tell the Finnish government to end the killing.
The Finnish government has authorised the killing of wolves in Lapland. With Finland's tiny wolf population already threatened by illegal hunting, the country must protect these charismatic animals. Hunting exposes these animals to injury and causes them a lingering, painful death. It is as inhumane as it is unnecessary. Finland should celebrate the presence of these remarkable and beautiful predators and encourage responsible ecotourism in the areas where they live. In doing so, the country would benefit both the wolves and the human population.
How you can help to End the Wolf Slaughter in Lapland:
Contact and consider joining the Nature League's Wolf Action Group:
Luonto-Liitto / Susiryhmä (Nature League´s Wolf Action Group)
Annankatu 26
A00100 Helsinki, FINLAND
tel. +358-9-684-4420
Join the Facebook group "Susiryhmä":
Sign the following petition:
Sign the following petition:
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